
Country List
Our students come from all over the world and some have left behind their experience here at the Language Center. Click on the pins to read comments from each country.
Yulia Sergeevna KULIEVA 優麗婭 Level 3 ( February 2014)

來這裡以前我想不出台灣是什麼樣的國家,我只知道在這裡我應該把繁體字學一學。台灣的冬天比西伯利亞的熱多了。我的父母跟朋友大概頭兩個禮拜都問我:「你在中國怎麼樣?」我回答:「我不是在中國!」他們又說:「 對啊,對不起,我忘了,你最近在泰國怎麼樣?」我有一點生氣說:「怎麼搞的?我不是在泰國!我在台灣!台灣!」我的意思是不太多歐洲人了解台灣,可是如果你來台灣一次,你就不會想要走了。我有很多朋友為了上夏天的班大概夏天的時候來到這裡,可是他們現在還在台灣, 因為他們真的不想離開。 現在我知道台灣有很多非常好的東西。比如說: 台灣的人是非常熱情的,你走路走著走著,有人跟你說:「歡迎你到台灣來!你要不要幫忙?」在這裡非常容易找到新的朋友。台灣人是非常親切的。這裡的生活非常安靜,非常安全。什麼需要的東西你都找得到,因為在這裡什麼東西都有! 我真的喜歡我逢甲大學的課。我們的老師、志工、華語中心的員工都當我的好朋友。上課的時候,除了中文我們還學文化、台灣的特點。例如:太極拳、象棋遊戲、手做天燈、包餃子、泡珍珠奶茶還有別的有興趣的課。 台灣是一個旅行很有意思的地方。在這裡什麼地方的風景都是漂漂亮亮的,四季的天氣都是舒舒服服的,所以一月的時候我跟朋友去到太平洋游泳。肯定地,高雄、台北、花蓮、台中、每個城市都有自己的特點,自己的名勝古蹟。 下個星期我得回國,可是我不想。當然我想念我的家人,我的朋友,我的小狗,但是我覺得在這裡就是我的第二個家。
Matyas Gutai 馬蒂亞斯 Level 2 (Summer 2016)
Visiting another country as a tourist to experience its culture is already challenging enough but to live in another country is a completely different story . Even the best preparations can't spare one from depending on others. Meeting, interacting and learning from others becomes more important than one would initially think. I started learning Mandarin at CLC right after I arrived to Taiwan. CLC turned out to be more to me than just a language school. Since I am working as a professor parallel to my language studies, I had to rely on the kind support of my teachers to use my limited time in the best possible way. I have learned 4 other foreign languages so far and I am really glad that at CLC I encountered great professionalism. My teachers were not only truly encouraging but also extremely efficient which helped me a great deal in developing my Mandarin skills. Furthermore, they always found a way to establish a great atmosphere even if the subjects are difficult and demanding.

I am glad that I started my Mandarin studies at CLC and based on my experience I would recommend it to everyone to try.

Matyas Gutai
architect, PhD
Emma Linton 艾瑪 Level 1 (March 2008)
Being a student at the Language Centre at Feng Chia is an absolutely amazing experience! Coming over from Australia to live in Taiwan was a massive change, but the staff at the LC were with me every step of the way. From arranging accommodation to getting you settled into the Taiwanese way of life, the staff go out of their way to welcome you, and make everything as easy and painless as possible. I don't think I ever heard anyone utter the word \"no' during my time there! Tom, April, Migo and the gang are friendly, approachable, amazing people that I feel really lucky to have met.

As for studying the chinese language, the teachers involved in the language program are dedicated, patient and always ready to have a laugh. Despite the early mornings, every teacher came to class with a smile (and in some cases, even a pot of tea to share around!) The language centre also gives you the opportunity to met other students who are in the same situation as you, studying this incredible language in a country far from home. I know I definitely made friends for life whilst I was a student at the LC.

I would (and do) recommend studying at the Language Centre – I have yet to hear anyone with complaints about their experience there. Since returning to my home country, I have not been able to stop talking about my amazing experience, and I hope that anyone who is considering studying Chinese will go and experience it for themselves! A huge thanks to everyone at the Language Centre; you made my life so much easier whilst I was in Taiwan!
Sheldon Wu 吳恩廷 Level 6 (January 2008)
Recently I've just finished a three month course studying Mandarin Chinese at Feng Chia University Language Center. The experience and time spent there is something I will never forget. From the friendly staff working there to the students you meet, everyone is just so friendly and nice. The learning environment is somewhat different than what you would normally expect. You have students coming from different countries and as you gradually become friends with them, you also learn about their cultural backgrounds. The teachers and student ratio is also pretty good in that the classes are not too big, so if you have any problems the teachers are always there to help. The best thing about studying at Feng Chia University is the night market of course. It's a good place to practice the Chinese that you've learnt to good use and there is just so much stuff there from clothes to food…mmm food. Oh yeah and of course you got to check out the Feng Chia University facilities especially the gym….gotta lose the weight you're putting on from all the food you've eaten. Haha. Overall the experience at Feng Chia University is something I highly recommend to anyone who wishes to study Chinese in Taiwan, as well as experience what Taiwanese culture is really like.
Marcos Segalla Pizzolatti 馬科斯 Level 2 (2008.03.07)
Meu nome é Marcos e irei falar um pouco sobre minha experiência em Taiwan, mais precisamente em Taichung, e na Universidade de Feng Chia.

Tudo começou quando em Florianópolis, cidade de meu país, conheci um casal de taiwaneses, mais seu filho. Pessoas muito simpáticas que me receberam muito bem desde o início de nossa amizade. Seu filho então me convidou para fazer aulas com ele de mandarim, devido ao meu interesse pela cultura chinesa, praticar tai chi chuan, ou seja, me interessar pela cultura diferente da ocidental.

Durante estas aulas de mandarim, este meu novo amigo taiwanês comentou comigo sobre viajar a Taiwan para estudar chinês. No começo levei isto na brincadeira, mas depois comecei a aceitar esta idéia e comunicar-me com várias Universidades em Taiwan, a fim de encontrar um curso de mandarim.

Mandei e-mail para várias Universidades, e devo dizer que, todas me responderam. De todas escolhi três das que, em minha opinião, melhor responderam ao meu e-mail. Destas três acabei escolhendo Feng Chia, por esta Universidade se localizar em Taichung, onde o custo de vida é mais baixo, possibilitando-me assim ficar mais tempo estudando mandarim; e também pela cordialidade e grande eficiência no esclarecimento de todas as minhas dúvidas.

Uma vez escolhida a Universidade, bastou preparar os documentos necessários e então esperar a data para a viagem rumo a Taiwan. Chegando a Taiwan (Taipei), fui recebido por um casal de amigos taiwaneses e seu filho, estes, amigos do casal de taiwaneses do Brasil. Este casal muito simpático recebeu-me atenciosamente em Taipei, sendo que na manhã seguinte me levaram até Taichung, juntamente com outro casal de taiwaneses. Ajudaram-me em tudo que foi necessário até que eu ficasse seguro e acomodado no lugar onde iria viver pelos próximos primeiros três meses, ou seja, no dormitório da Universidade de Feng Chia; em um quarto compartilhado (devo dizer que é a maneira mais econômica de se viver aqui).

Admito que após deixarem-me em meu quarto (estava sozinho, pois meu colega de quarto estava viajando), senti um enorme arrependimento e vontade imensa de voltar pra casa. Realmente a sensação de estar sozinho num lugar sem ninguém conhecido, no início, é assustador. Para aliviar-me deste sentimento de solidão, comecei a arrumar minhas coisas no quarto e após deitei para descansar e dormir um pouco, a fim de esquecer que me encontrava neste lugar.

Após acordar de meu “aconchegante” sono, saí para conhecer a cidade. Assim que, aos poucos, fui melhorando e começando a curtir estar em um país tão diferente. Tive sorte, pois já no segundo dia em Taichung comecei a fazer amizades, das quais hoje em dia são de suma importância para minha vivência em Taiwan.
Marcos Segalla Pizzolatti 馬科斯 Level 2 (2008.03.07)
Realmente, se você quiser viver no exterior, o ponto mais importante é fazer amizades, pois sem elas, nos sentimos como uma gota d’água fora do imenso oceano de vida. As amizades foram muitas; amigos brasileiros, franceses, indonésios, marroquinos, americanos, taiwaneses, japoneses, coreanos, etc.; e principalmente amigos panamenhos, que por falarem espanhol (uma língua que se aproxima muito do português), tínhamos uma melhor comunicação.

Da mesma maneira que fui ajudado do Brasil, desde o início, pelo Centro de Línguas de Feng Chia, não foi diferente ao estar ali tão perto, na cidade de Taichung. Ajudaram-me em tudo que foi necessário; esclareceram-me de todas as dúvidas possíveis, me ajudaram em tudo: no curso de mandarim, a abrir conta no banco, com o visto, etc., etc., etc. As pessoas deste Centro de Línguas são sempre muito atenciosas e prestativas, sem falar na eficiência ao realizarem tarefas referentes ao Centro. Caso o estudante não queira ficar no dormitório, que se paga a cada 3 meses, o Centro de Linguas lhe ajudará a encontrar, com maior satisfação, um apartamento para alugar e se acomodar um pouco melhor.

As aulas em Feng Chia, a meu ver, são satisfatárias ao aluno realmente interessado em aprender mandarim. Os professores são também nossos amigos e sempre dispostos a nos ajudar, sanar dúvidas, no que for necessário. Outro ponto interessante de Feng Chia é que a cada termo (três meses), levam-nos para uma viagem em Taiwan, e também a um almoço comunitário, a fim dos estudantes ali presentes se integrarem. Sem contar que estudantes nos níveis um, quatro e nove são convidados a um almoço com o diretor do Centro de Línguas, tendo a oportunidade de opinarem sobre a Universidade.

Falando um pouco de Taiwan, mais precisamente Taichung. É uma cidade já bem capitalizada, mas ainda com muitos de seus costumes tradicionais. A comida é o aspecto que mais se diferencia da cultura ocidental, sendo que você poderá ficar muito surpreso com tudo o que encontrar. A cada dia poderá provar coisas diferentes em diferentes lugares, pois a variedade é grande. Nas proximidades de Feng Chia é onde se encontram as comidas mais baratas, pois à medida que nos distanciamos da Universidade, a comida tende a ser um pouco mais cara.

Em Feng Chia também se encontra um dos mercados noturnos mais famosos de Taiwan (Feng Chia Night Market). Realmente ali se aglomera muita gente, como se fosse um congestionamento de carros onde nem as motos podem passar pelos lados. Neste mercado se encontra uma grande variedade de coisas, seja para comer ou não. Vale à pena dar uma olhada.

As pessoas em Taiwan são muito atenciosas e carismáticas com os estrangeiros, sempre nos deixando a vontade e dispostos a fazer novas amizades. Os ônibus são um pouco complicados no início, mas aos poucos se vai acostumando. Se perder não seré problema, já que existe uma quantidade imensa de táxis na cidade. Mas digo que o mais conveniente é pegar um táxi com 3, 4 pessoas, já que se divide o dinheiro, o que torna mais barato para o bolso no final.

As lojas de conveniências são muitas na cidade, principalmente 7-Eleven, o que torna nossa vida um pouco menos complicada. Em todo lugar você encontra tudo que necessita para viver, assim que não precisa ficar desesperado pensando que irá faltar algo para o diário viver; é tudo muito fácil de encontrar e comprar na cidade de Taichung.

Enfim, este é o resumo de minha experiência, de até agora, cinco meses em Taichung, Taiwan. Existem em minha mente muitas outras coisas em que mencionar, mas creio que o que escrevi já é o suficiente para o leitor ter uma noção da vida em Feng Chia e Taichung, sem que se cansem de ler tantos detalhes.

Sintam-se a vontade em me escrever caso queiram saber mais detalhes: makesi.pizzo@gmail.com
Justin ANTONIEWICZ 安健 Level 7 (Summer 2014)




When I began studying at FengJia’s Mandarin Training Center, I had already studied Chinese back in Canada for approximately one year. My Chinese was a long way from fluent, but I could deal with relatively straightforward situations — such as ordering food in restaurants or chatting with friends — in Chinese. I was worried that studying here would turn out to be a waste of time, and that I would spend most of my time going over material with which I was already familiar.

After attending my first class, I very quickly realized that the teachers would not only challenge me, but also be able to drastically increase my abilities in Chinese. When chatting with friends, conversation goes smoothly. I’ve also made very swift progress with reading: I can browse Chinese websites without problem, and I can even read novels written in Chinese.

The teachers at FengJia are enthusiastic and friendly. In addition to formal teaching from the textbook, teachers will give students a chance to use their Chinese to discuss current issues and problems. In the midst of learning language, students also get the chance to learn about some of the stranger features of Taiwanese culture and share perspectives from their own country. Complementary courses also allow students to study Chinese history and culture in a more structured way.

While studying at FengJia will, without a doubt, improve your Chinese language skills and increase your understanding of Chinese culture, you will also have the opportunity to learn about completely different cultures from your classmates, who are from all over the world. I never thought that I would find myself chatting with students from Japan, Korea, Vietnam, Indonesia, and elsewhere, learning about their countries as we communicate in Chinese!
Yasmin Fürstmann 周雨菁, Level 8 (April 2004)
Vor kurzem habe ich mein letztes Trimester Chinesisch am Language Center der Feng Chia Universität absolviert.

Wenn ich zurückblicke, so schaue ich auf über zwei Jahre (9 Trimester) wertvoller Zeit. Zum einen habe ich es geschafft, eine der schwierigsten Sprachen der Welt zu schreiben und zu sprechen, und zum anderen habe ich Freundschaften mit Menschen aus aller Welt geschlossen: Seien es Schüler es aus Indonesien, Frankreich, Japan, USA, Korea, Österreich, die Klassen waren immer bunt gemischt. Neben dem Chinesischlernen fand auch gleichzeitig stets ein reger Erfahrungsaustausch statt, was das Lernen besonders interessant gemacht hat.

Lehrer und Schüler hatten immer ein sehr vertrautes Verhältnis. Die Herzlichkeit und Fürsorge sowohl von Seiten der Lehrer als auch der Institutsleitung und dem Büro hat für eine sehr angenehme Lernatmosphäre gesorgt. Hatte man persönliche Fragen wie z.B. Anliegen bezüglich der Unterkunft, mit dem Visum, alltägliche Problemchen, so hatten die Mitarbeiter im Büro und auch Kris Vicca, der Direktor, immer ein offenes Ohr.

Besonders erwähnenswert waren zum einen die zahlreichen außerschulischen Ausflüge, die wir mit dem gesamten Language Center unternommen haben und zum anderen die besonderen Aktivitäten zum Ende eines Trimesters (Theaterinszenierungen, Rhetorik-Wettbewerbe, Weihnachtsfeiern…). So hatte man die Möglichkeit, Klassen übergreifend andere oder neue Mitschüler und Lehrer kennen zu lernen.

Nach einer kurzen Zeit fühlte man sich wie in einer großen Familie aufgenommen, auch wenn man zig tausend Kilometer von der eigentlichen Heimat entfernt war.

Vielen Dank an Kris Vicca, an das Team des Language Institus und an meine Lehrerinnen und Lehrer, die mir so geduldig Chinesisch beigebracht haben!!!


回過頭看, 我體驗過兩年多(八個學期)的寶貴日子。 一來我成功地學到了聽說是世界上最複雜的語言之一, 二來我交到了從各國家來的,很棒的朋友。比方說,印尼、法國、日本、美國、韓國、奧地利等等,每個班上都至少有五個不同國家的代表,感覺非常多采多姿。除了學中文之外,還有機會積極地交換意見或經驗,這令學生們覺得收穫良多。



不管你從多遠的地方來,你很快地就會發現, 逢甲大學語言教學中心這個大家庭會親切地歡迎你!

Yurike Tan 陳瑞珠 Level 6 (May 2008)
Pertama kali datang ke tempat ini awalnya merasa tidak terbiasa dengan semuanya, sempat juga berpikir dalam hati, Taiwan yang ada dalam bayangan gua ga seperti ini. Tapi mengambil keputusan belajar di Feng Chia University Language Center benar-benar keputusan yang tepat. Selain bisa bertemu dengan teman-teman dari mancanegara, disini banyak juga pengalaman yang bisa kita dapat. Fasilitas yang diberikan Feng Chia University di dalam sekolah benar-benar lengkap : perpustakaan, gedung olahraga, ruang komputer, dsb; yg mana bisa dipergunakan semaksimal mungkin oleh siswa-siswi dari Feng Chia University Language Center.

Yurika Tidak perlu khawatir tidak dapat beradaptasi karena disini selain ada teman-teman senegara yang bisa membantu kita lebih mudah beradaptasi, ada juga guru-guru dan staff kantor yang ramah dan selalu siap membantu permasalahan siswa kapanpun dimanapun. Kegiatan di dalam sekolahpun beragam dan setiap semester semua siswa dapat ikut berpartisipasi dalam Cultural Trip yang diadakan sekolah. Bukan cuma lingkungan sekolah yang menyenangkan, lingkungan di luar sekolahpun tidak kalah menyenangkan. Setelah aktivitas di dalam sekolah, kita bisa menikmati keramaian di lingkungan sekitar sekolah yang juga menjadi pusat keramaian di saat weekend, apapun yang kita butuhkan bisa kita dapatkan disini. Satu yang pasti … jadi bagian dari Feng Chia University Language Center beneran 'ga nyesel deh…!!!
Indra Oktavianus 鄧國強 Level 5 (Fall 2007)
Feng Chia University Language Centre adalah tempat belajar bahasa mandarin yang amat cocok buat anak muda maupun tua.Semua murid disini beragam,berasal dari berbagai Negara, walaupun mayoritas tentu saja adalah murid dari Indonesia. Fasilitas di Feng Chia juga amat lengkap, sebagai murid jurusan bahasapun kita dapat memiliki akses ke gedung olahraga universitas sekaligus menjadi member tetap. Setiap tahun juga banyak diadakan berbagai acara dimana semua murid bahasa bebas berpartisipasi. Semua acara-acara tersebutpun beragam, seperti lomba-lomba yang kesemuanya sekaligus melatih kemampuan bahasa mandarin yang sudah dipelajari. Satu lagi hal yang paling penting, semua petugas administrasi amat ramah dan helpful sekali, kapanpun dan apapun ada masalah dan keperluan, mereka siap membantu. Jangan lupa! Daerah sekitar Feng Chia adalah pusat keramaian di saat weekend, apapun keperluan, semua bisa dibeli, lengkap! So bagi yang sudah berniat mendaftar, jangan pikir dua kali!
Rika Motomura 本村吏香 Level 2 (2004年2月)
この学校で私が一番好きなところは、学生、先生、スタッフを含め、 みんながすごくフレンドリーなところです。 3ヶ月間という短い間だったけど、 世界各国から集まった楽しい仲間たちに囲まれ、 楽しい学生生活を送ることができました。
Toshiko Takeda 武田登志子 Level 5 (2003年12月)

私は大体高校三年生の頃にいつの日か海外で生活できたらいいなあ・・・ と思い始めたのを今でも覚えている。 それに、違う言語を勉強して、 その国の人達とすらすら会話することができたら・・・。 これは、 どんどん私の心の中でふくらんで一つの夢になった。

なぜかというと、 私は高校を卒業したときに友達と一緒にオーストラリアへ旅行に行った。 その時私は、オーストラリアに住んでいる日本人に出会った。 彼らは、 皆、 すらすらと英語を話していて、 私の目にとっても輝いて映っていた。 私もいつか彼らのようになって、 今の自分を変えることができたら・・・ と思うようになった。

 今、私の長年の夢は遂に実現した。 私は、今、台湾にきて一年になる。


 一つの例をあげると、 私が台湾に来てすぐの頃全く中国語が分からなかった。 ある日、私は大勢の台湾人の友達と一緒に、 おしゃべりをしていた。 そのときの会話の内容は全部ジョークで、みんなとっても楽しそうで大笑いしていた。 ただ私だけが会話の内容が分からなかったので、 みんなと一緒に笑うことができずにいた。 すると一人の台湾人の友達が私にこう尋ねた。 「あなたはとても静かね、 どうして笑わないの?」その時、私はとっても悲しく思ったと同時に、 「中国語分からへんのになんで笑えるねん?! なんでわかってくれへんの??」(私は関西人です)と思った。 これは私が台湾にきてすぐの頃よく出会った悲しい出来事だった。

 でも今振り返って考えてみればこういう経験は私にとってプラスになったと思う。 その時私はとっても悲しい思いをしたので、 もっともっと努力して中国語を勉強しようと思えるようになったから。

 今、 私は大体の会話の内容は分かるようになり、 台湾人の友達と一緒に笑ったり、 楽しい時間を分かち合うことができている。 このような時間は私をとっても幸せな気分にさせてくれる。

 他にいろいろな国からきた人達と一緒に中国語を勉強するという事は本当におもしろい経験だと思う。 私が101の時、私のクラスにはフランス人、 ドイツ人、インドネシア人、韓国人がいた。

 私たちはよく一緒にお昼ご飯を食べに行ったり、中国語はそんなに話せなかったけど、おしゃべりをよくしたりした。ある日、 私たちは弁当街(弁当街とは学校の近くの学生がよく行く食堂街)の自助餐(自助餐とは、 バイキング式の食堂)でご飯を食べていた。 その時はちょうど、お昼ご飯の時間で満席だったため、 横に座っている人はみんな、 私たちの話し声が聞こえていた。 私たちは会話をする時、 中国語、英語、 日本語を使って大声でしゃべっていたので、 横の人達はおかしく思ってちらちら私たちの方を盗み見していた。 彼らの表情は明らかに、「おかしい・・ 一体何人なんだ?」と言っていた。 それで、私たちはわざと大きな声で「あなたは何人ですか?私は日本人です。 あなたは?私はフランス人です。」 と言った。 (なぜなら、その時授業で習っていたのは“あなたは何人ですか?”と言うフレーズだったから。)

今、101のクラスメイトはみんな帰国してしまったけど、 その時みんなと一緒に中国語を勉強した日々は私のとても深く印象に残る思い出となっている。

私が高校生のときに思い始めた一つの夢は既に実現した。 台湾での生活で起こった様々な経験を通して私の価値観は大きく変化した。 これからも私はいろんな良い事、悪い事を経験していくと思う。 でも、私は引き続き中国語を勉強していきたいと思う。

Email : takedatoshiko@hotmail.com
Seiko Kato 加藤整子 Level 10 (2004年 4月)

私はもともとこつこつ勉強するほうではないので、 ずっと日本にいては永遠に中国語を習得できないと思い台湾に来ました。

台湾に来て私の予想通りであったことが分かりました。 生きていくためには嫌でも勉強しないといけないのです。 そうじゃないと食べる事すらままなりません。 たとえばメニューが読めなくて適当に頼むと目の前に出現す るのはいつも想像もしなかったものが。。。 ある時チャーハンが食べたくて頼んだら出てきたの はチャーハンはチャーハンなのですが、 具が全部内臓でした。。。。 (気持ち悪くて具は全部残しました。。。) こういうわけで私のような面倒臭がりにはここで勉強するのが一番効果的なわけです。

中国語を勉強して思ったのはアジア人は英語を 勉強するより中 国語を勉強する方が早いということです。前は西洋系の人 が英語を簡単に習得するのを見てずっと羨ましく思っていました。 が、自分が中国語を勉強してみて西洋の人が英語を勉強するような感覚を味わうことができました。 まだ習っていない言葉でも意味が結構 分かったりするんです。 ま、もちろんいつもじゃないですけど。

リーディングの面ではアジア人がこのように優勢に立っていますが、スピーキングの面ではそうとはいえません。 ちょっと油断するとすぐ言いたかった事が全然違う風に取られてしまいます。ある時私は銀行にあるお金を見ないといけないといいたくて、 wo yao kan wo de zhang4hu4 といいました。 するとなぜか、”は?、 あんただんなさんに聞かないといけないのか? “って言われてしまいました。 相手はwo yao kan wo de zhang4fu 1 って聞こえたそうです。 いつのまにか私は誰かの奥さんになってしまいました。 (hutou とか cunkuanbu といえばこんな間違いはなかったんですが。。。)

こんな風に普段の生活でよく笑い話が生まれたものです。 でもそれがここの生活をもっと楽しいものにしてくれました。

まだ私の目標は達成できていないのでもっと頑張らないといけませんが、 台湾に中国語を勉強しに来た事は全然後悔していません。 「在台灣學習中文」

我對學習方面不是很勤奮的,所以我想如果一直留在日本,恐怕永遠學不會中文。就這樣,來到台灣。 來到台灣事情的發展果然跟我預期的一樣。為了生存不得不學習中文,否則還可能會沒有東西可以吃了。有時候看不懂菜單上的東西就隨便點,結果眼前看到的常是出乎意料的,有一次點的炒飯裡面的都是肉臟!所以想我這樣的懶惰鬼來說,來台灣學中文是最有效的學習方法。 我發現亞洲人學習中文比學習英文快。我以前一直羨慕歐洲人學習英文很快,但我自己開始學中文以後好像嚐到西方人學英文時的那滋味,因為沒有學過的字詞也能夠猜得出來。不過當然不是每一次。 雖然閱讀方面我們亞洲人佔了優勢,可是說的方面就不同了。一不小心就會被誤解自己原本要表達的意思。有一次我說「要看我的帳戶」,結果對方聽成「要看我的丈夫了」,就這樣,單身的我變成一個太太了。所以在平常的生活中也鬧不少的笑話,不過他們讓我的生活變得更有趣。 我到現在還沒有達到我的目標,所以要繼續努力,不過我真的可以有衷的說我沒有後悔來台灣學習中文的事。

Email : seikojiateng@hotmail.com
김 승찬 金勝讚 Level 7 (26 February 2004)
지나온 시간을 돌아보며…… 지나가는 시간이 무척이나 빠르군요! 제가 대만에 온지 벌써 1년 반 이라는 시간이 지나고 그 지나온 기간 중에 적지않은 사람들을 알게 되고 또 이렇게 천천히 대만생활을 정리하는 시점에서 결코 쉽게 잊혀지지 않을 추억을 만들어준 봉갑 대학교에 진심으로 감사합니다 무척이나 만족스럽고 , 특히 학교측의 세심한 배려와 독특한 프로그램으로 중국어의 진보가 비교적 빨랐다는 점을 강조하고싶습니다. 연극과 여행을 통하여 사교부분에 있어 많은 도움이 되었습니다.

여러모로 보살펴주신 크리스 주임과 사무실 봉사자 분들께 감사 드리고, 교수님 그리고 잊지 못할 친구들 모두모두 감사 드립니다. 건강하시고 하시는 일마다 행운이 가득하시길!
Ma Sun Mi 馬善美 Level 8 (31 December 2002)
선생님들께서 매우 열심히 학생들을 가르쳐 주시고, 어떤 선생님께서는 학생들을 자기 자식처럼 보살펴 주셔서 중국어 이외에 많은 것들을 배운다. 언어 중심의 주임선생님과 사무실 직원들은 학생들에게 매우 친절하고 학생들의 입장에서 일을 처리해주고, 또한 우리들의 건의를 잘 수령해준다. 그래서, 이전의 불편한 점들이 많이 개선이 되었다. 매주 2시간의 담임 선생님의 시간과 매학기 마다 교외 활동이 있어서 여러 곳을 가 볼수도 있고, 대만의 문화를 체험할 수 있는 기회가 종종 있다.

Matyas Gutai 馬蒂亞斯 Level 2 (Summer 2016)
Visiting another country as a tourist to experience its culture is already challenging enough but to live in another country is a completely different story . Even the best preparations can't spare one from depending on others. Meeting, interacting and learning from others becomes more important than one would initially think. I started learning Mandarin at CLC right after I arrived to Taiwan. CLC turned out to be more to me than just a language school. Since I am working as a professor parallel to my language studies, I had to rely on the kind support of my teachers to use my limited time in the best possible way. I have learned 4 other foreign languages so far and I am really glad that at CLC I encountered great professionalism. My teachers were not only truly encouraging but also extremely efficient which helped me a great deal in developing my Mandarin skills. Furthermore, they always found a way to establish a great atmosphere even if the subjects are difficult and demanding.

I am glad that I started my Mandarin studies at CLC and based on my experience I would recommend it to everyone to try.

Matyas Gutai
architect, PhD
Matyas Gutai 馬蒂亞斯 Level 2 (Summer 2016)
Visiting another country as a tourist to experience its culture is already challenging enough but to live in another country is a completely different story . Even the best preparations can't spare one from depending on others. Meeting, interacting and learning from others becomes more important than one would initially think. I started learning Mandarin at CLC right after I arrived to Taiwan. CLC turned out to be more to me than just a language school. Since I am working as a professor parallel to my language studies, I had to rely on the kind support of my teachers to use my limited time in the best possible way. I have learned 4 other foreign languages so far and I am really glad that at CLC I encountered great professionalism. My teachers were not only truly encouraging but also extremely efficient which helped me a great deal in developing my Mandarin skills. Furthermore, they always found a way to establish a great atmosphere even if the subjects are difficult and demanding.

I am glad that I started my Mandarin studies at CLC and based on my experience I would recommend it to everyone to try.

Matyas Gutai
architect, PhD
Matyas Gutai 馬蒂亞斯 Level 2 (Summer 2016)
Visiting another country as a tourist to experience its culture is already challenging enough but to live in another country is a completely different story . Even the best preparations can't spare one from depending on others. Meeting, interacting and learning from others becomes more important than one would initially think. I started learning Mandarin at CLC right after I arrived to Taiwan. CLC turned out to be more to me than just a language school. Since I am working as a professor parallel to my language studies, I had to rely on the kind support of my teachers to use my limited time in the best possible way. I have learned 4 other foreign languages so far and I am really glad that at CLC I encountered great professionalism. My teachers were not only truly encouraging but also extremely efficient which helped me a great deal in developing my Mandarin skills. Furthermore, they always found a way to establish a great atmosphere even if the subjects are difficult and demanding.

I am glad that I started my Mandarin studies at CLC and based on my experience I would recommend it to everyone to try.

Matyas Gutai
architect, PhD
Matyas Gutai 馬蒂亞斯 Level 2 (Summer 2016)
Visiting another country as a tourist to experience its culture is already challenging enough but to live in another country is a completely different story . Even the best preparations can't spare one from depending on others. Meeting, interacting and learning from others becomes more important than one would initially think. I started learning Mandarin at CLC right after I arrived to Taiwan. CLC turned out to be more to me than just a language school. Since I am working as a professor parallel to my language studies, I had to rely on the kind support of my teachers to use my limited time in the best possible way. I have learned 4 other foreign languages so far and I am really glad that at CLC I encountered great professionalism. My teachers were not only truly encouraging but also extremely efficient which helped me a great deal in developing my Mandarin skills. Furthermore, they always found a way to establish a great atmosphere even if the subjects are difficult and demanding.

I am glad that I started my Mandarin studies at CLC and based on my experience I would recommend it to everyone to try.

Matyas Gutai
architect, PhD
Matyas Gutai 馬蒂亞斯 Level 2 (Summer 2016)
Visiting another country as a tourist to experience its culture is already challenging enough but to live in another country is a completely different story . Even the best preparations can't spare one from depending on others. Meeting, interacting and learning from others becomes more important than one would initially think. I started learning Mandarin at CLC right after I arrived to Taiwan. CLC turned out to be more to me than just a language school. Since I am working as a professor parallel to my language studies, I had to rely on the kind support of my teachers to use my limited time in the best possible way. I have learned 4 other foreign languages so far and I am really glad that at CLC I encountered great professionalism. My teachers were not only truly encouraging but also extremely efficient which helped me a great deal in developing my Mandarin skills. Furthermore, they always found a way to establish a great atmosphere even if the subjects are difficult and demanding.

I am glad that I started my Mandarin studies at CLC and based on my experience I would recommend it to everyone to try.

Matyas Gutai
architect, PhD